
Unlock Your Hip Flexors Review

Our body goes through drastic changes during pregnancy, which is why we have to deal with a number of symptoms over the course of nine months. It is hardly a surprise given the miracle of what we are doing; think about how crazy it is we grow a life inside us (mind blowing!)

The experts usually say “everything will be fine after childbirth”, but you are just as aware as I am, that’s not quite correct.

Right after childbirth, I started experiencing pain in my back, and it was incredibly annoying. I would experience back pain from carrying a toddler, back pain when I put my child down, pain when I carry groceries, pain always, anywhere, anytime.

suffering from back pains post pregnancy tight hip flexor

Of course, I’m not the only one. Studies show that about 50% of pregnant women will suffer from some kind of low back pain at some point during their pregnancies or postpartum period.

At first, I did nothing.

Stupid, I know. Somehow I foolishly believed everything would be okay, it’s normal, and the pain will go away in a few days. But it didn’t! Weeks went by, and the pain was still there.

I’m sure you’re in the same situation now, or you have been already. Simple daily tasks seemed like torture, and I couldn’t even enjoy carrying my child because the pain would ruin everything to me.

My name is Charlotte. My newfound friend, Sara, asked me to write this review for her blog. We share an interest in fitness, but more importantly a love of our children, and a desire to help other Mama’s out there. If we can help one Mama out with recovering their postpartum body, then it is worth it.

One day I decided to be more proactive with my postpartum back problem, waiting for the pain to go away on its own wasn’t helpful.

I read all sorts of articles online, and they would preach about one thing only – take pills, do this, do that, but none of those things were effective. I tried them all. Pills would reduce pain for a while, but it would always come back. I also didn’t want that reliance on medication just masking the actual issue.

I joined different forums and looked at different websites for moms, as well as comment sections for answers and recommendations ( Which is how I met Sara who runs this site).

That’s when I stumbled upon a post written by a stay-at-home mom of two who suffered unbearable back pain after Caesarean delivery, and she was able to make a full recovery thanks to Unlock Your Hip Flexors. Her post intrigued me, and I decided to check it out for myself.

First, I went to the official website to learn more about the program, and it appeared quite interesting, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up. In honesty, I didn’t know what a Hip Flexor was. The website explains and outlines how many people are affected by weak hip flexors – male and female.

It covers so much more than back pain. As the site states:

Our hip flexors are the engine through which our body moves. They control balance, our ability to sit, stand, twist, reach, bend, walk and step. Everything goes through the hips. And when our hip flexors tighten it causes a lot of problems in ordinarily healthy and active people, like us.

I started with the program immediately, and it changed my life – I don’t say that about much but it genuinely was amazing. The simplicity of the program and the ability to do exercises in the comfort of my home or any other place appealed to me.

Pain decreased, and soon it went away entirely.

The reason I’m writing the Unlock your Hip Flexors review now is that I want to share my experience about the program that helped me and, hopefully, it will help other moms have a pain-free life too.

back pain lifting my toddler

Unlock Your Hip Flexors – What Is It?

Unlock Your Hip Flexors is a program that promises to help users alleviate back pain, hip pain, improve range of motion, boost energy levels, and improve your overall quality of life.

The program is ideal for mothers who experience back pain after childbirth or due to some other mom duty.

The program was developed by Rick Kaselj, the leading kinesiologist and injury specialist. Rick works with athletes and fitness professionals on injury recovery and prevention, so he knows what he’s talking about. The secret behind the efficacy of the program is not only in proper technique but in the right sequence of exercises. I tried it out, and I must agree.


All exercises in this program are like a link in a bigger chain, and there needs to be a certain sequence in order to obtain benefits. That’s the beauty of the program, it teaches us to be active, try different things, and it shows we should never rely on one exercise only.

I relied on a single maneuver to alleviate back pain one year after pregnancy and even soon after childbirth, but it wasn’t effective. You’ve probably done the same thing; found a practical exercise, performed it regularly, experienced no benefits whatsoever.

The reason why pain didn’t go away was due to lack of a well-structured program where all exercises are arranged into the specific sequence that improves range of motion and alleviates pain.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors doesn’t just work for Postpartum back pain in fact you would be amazed how many people are actually affected with tight hip flexors. Does any of this sound familiar?

As you can see, this is not just us Mamas suffering with postpartum body problems. This affects a wide range of people.

My boyfriend has read this system too – and im pretty sure he didnt have the baby 🙂

He has found it very beneficial for issues he has due to poor posture and old sporting injuries – though i think he was skeptical at first and only did it to support me – bless him.

What Does The Program Include?

Tackling back pain from lifting toddlers or pain that occurs after pregnancy isn’t the most difficult task in the world, but it may seem like discomfort will never go away.

I tried so many things and didn’t feel any sort of improvement, and I know how it’s like to think there’s no way out, that you’re bound to feel the pain until it goes away on its own. Unlock Your Hip Flexors program is not only effective but also very practical and simple to use.

The Unlock Your Hip Flexor Program consists of:

Unlock Your Hip Flexors DVD video

review of unlock your hip flexors review Contains ten exercises with explanations on the perfect form, ideal technique, and useful tips on how to activate hip flexors.

Content on the DVD is divided into two parts: coaching instructional video with a detailed introduction into each exercise, and follow along format where you get to perform exercises alongside the video without breaking or explanation

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Unlock Your Hip Flexors Manual

how to unlock hip flexors review Highly-targeted manual with the in-depth explanation of the psoas muscle and the impact of its shortening on your wellbeing and overall health.

The manual contains pictures, exercise instructions, and other useful things you need to know. I find it quite detailed, but simple at the same time

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How Much does It Cost?

Are there any Unlock Your Hip Flexor Discounts?

I know it all too well that the price doesn’t dictate quality. It happened to me more than once; I’d buy something expensive but ended up regretting every dollar I spent. You’re probably thinking “been there, done that.” Who hasn’t?

Before you buy something, it’s useful to have certain criteria in mind and make sure the product can match them.

Judging by the price isn’t always the best thing to do, primarily because many affordable items are high in quality. Unlock Your Hip Flexors is one of those affordable, but high-quality programs that you would end up recommending to everyone.

The regular price of Unlock Your Hip Flexors is $50, but at the moment there’s a special offer on their website, and you can get the whole program for $10 only.

Seriously, I am not joking! Now when I’m writing the Unlock Your Hip Flexors review, it still seems unbelievable that I managed to get rid of back pain after pregnancy for just ten dollars.

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So, if you’ve ever wanted to buy something super affordable but high-quality, then this program is the thing you need.

Are There Any Bonuses?

Actually, yes! Unlock Your Flexors program also comes with two equally practical bonuses.

is unlock your hip flexors worth buying or is unlock your hip flexors a scam
is unlock your hip flexors worth buying or is unlock your hip flexors a scam

BONUS #1 – Unlock Your Tight Hamstrings

Specifically created to give you a healthy back and perfect posture. Tight hamstrings can increase the risk of injury not just in athletes, but stay-at-home moms too and basically everyone else.

A muscle tear in the back of your leg requires months of recovery, but as a mom, you don’t have that luxury.

There’s a whole lot of things that need to be done, and pain can make it difficult for you even to pick up your child. This program promises you’ll improve muscle condition and loosen up tight hamstrings instantly, in a matter of minutes.

Not only will the routine reduce the risk of future injury but it will also help you perform better in the gym or make it easier for you to do daily things every mom does.

It’s important to mention that the actual value of this program is $29, but it comes free with Unlock Your Hip Flexors

BONUS #2 – The 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet

The program promises to heal your body with the right foods automatically. In order to amplify benefits of Unlock Your Hip Flexors, it’s vital to make some diet modifications.

A healthy diet is a crucial component of a happy life and ease of movement. Most of us eat an unhealthy diet that is the biggest cause of inflammatory response that can only pave the way to pain, injury, and what not. Now that you have a child to take care for, it’s never been more important to focus on a healthy diet than it is now.

I followed recommendations from this program, and I have to admit that it helped me deal with hip pain after childbirth, back pain, and other problems.

What I liked the most about this program is that it’s easy to understand and tips are practical, easy to follow.

The actual value of the program is $17, but it’s free with Unlock Your Hip Flexors.

Is there Money Back Guarantee?

As a mom of a little bundle of joy, you want to make smart choices and wise purchasing decisions. Days of reckless shopping are over, and you’re starting to embrace a feeling of financial security.

Being cautious has become more important than ever. Trust me, I know. One thing I always check before I buy something is whether the product is covered by the money back guarantee, i.e. if I’d be able to get a refund if the product doesn’t meet my expectations or if it won’t work due to some other reasons. I did the same thing with Unlock Your Hip Flexors.

Although it’s not an expensive program, I still wanted to get my money’s worth. I also believe that when someone offers a guarantee they are standing by the quality of their product. Those that don’t offer it just stink of poor quality with no comeback.

I was pleased to read that the company behind this product provides a 60-day money back guarantee. That’s absolutely amazing, and it’s, definitely, good info to keep in mind if you’re planning to buy this program in order to combat hip pain postpartum, back pain, and improve your quality of life.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors comes with a strong, 100%, no questions asked refund. This is particularly important because I’ve come across numerous brands that make it almost impossible for customers to get a refund. I’m happy that wasn’t the case with this program – trust me

Where to Buy Unlock Your Hip Flexors?

Unlock Your Hip Flexors isn’t one of those programs/products that is only available in a specific store (which in most cases, that store is difficult to find or doesn’t look legit). I can’t even begin to describe how much I hate it when I want to try something out only to realize it’s not easily available.

Us, moms, are all about being practical in everything we do including things we buy. Let’s face it; nobody’s got that much time to drive around town from one block to another, from one shop to another just to look for some product.

One of the many things I like about this program is that it’s available online. No hassle, no stress, no anything.


buy unlock your hip flexors discount

In order to address back pain post pregnancy with this program – all you have to do is to go to the official website of Unlock Your Hip Flexors and that’s it.

Just click Buy Now, and you will be redirected to the checkout page where you’ll need to enter payment info.

Bear in mind that the official website of Unlock Your Hip Flexors is the only place where you can get the program, all other sites which claim they sell it are fake.

Generally speaking, I always prefer buying things from the official site mainly because I’m confident the product is legit and there’s always some useful discount while resellers usually ramp up the price.

Final Verdict: Do I Really Need to Unlock Your Hip Flexors?

While reading the Unlock Your Hip Flexors review, you were probably wondering whether you really need this program or not. I did the same, but I am glad I decided to buy it.

What makes this program unique is that it’s not just some random list of exercises you need to do, it goes much deeper than that.

The program is developed by an injury specialist, who is considered one of the most reputable professionals in his field. The goal of the program is to teach you why a certain exercise is important and how to perform it perfectly for instant pain relief.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors also provides support, motivation, and in-depth guidance toward successful recovery and injury prevention. I experienced back pain from carrying a toddler, like many other moms, and I can honestly say it feels amazing to move easily and do things without feeling pain all thanks to a simple and affordable program.

All you need is 10-15 minutes of time a day, quick results, and the best part is that none of the exercises are mega strenuous so anyone can do them.

This is definitely a must-have for all moms out there who want to eliminate pain, but in a fast and efficient manner with exercises, they can do everywhere.

Perhaps the best $10 I have ever spent. I hope my Unlock Your Hip Flexors review was of some use to you mamas – help you recover your postpartum back problems, or anyone else that may be reading this.

If you are after more details or a more thorough explanation of the science behind Hip Flexors, jump onto the official site where it is all explained.

Please let me know how you get on!

is unlock your hip flexors worth buying or is unlock your hip flexors a scam


Thank You Thank You Thank You Charlotte xx

What a wonderful review – and I will be HONEST, I also had no idea what a Hip Flexor was lol.

There are TWO great options for those Moms suffering from back pain since childbirth.

Unlock Your Glutes & Unlock Your Hip Flexors

I love Unlock Your Glutes but I am amazed at both the price and the versatility of Unlock Your Hip Flexors. Who knew they had such an impact on our daily lives.

For the low $$ I would probably just buy both lol!

sara stevens fitness program trusted reviewer



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